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Isabelle Chaumont

Is walking barefoot good for you?

Living in a Nordic country, the place of shoe wear is omnipresent in our society. But have you ever considered the positive impact of walking barefoot? 

In fact, there are multiple positive impacts of walking barefoot. It can: 

  • Increase foot muscle mass

  • Increase proprioception

  • Increase balance 

  • Increase stability and putting load on the tendon and ligaments 

  • Relief from improperly fitting shoes 

  • Improve circulation 

  • Reduce risks of injuries  

As physical therapists, we recommend daily sessions of barefoot walking throughout the year. For everyone without foot pain, here’s our top 3 foots exercises that can help you getting your way to walking barefoot more often: 

Resisted Foot Supination

In a standing position, wrap an elastic band around your feet. Lift the inside of your foot without transferring your weight. engage your foot muscle to lift the inside part of your foot up. You can perform this exercise 3 times/day for 10 repetitions. 

Heel Raise 

In a standing position, transfer your weight forward to your toes and lift your heel up. For added challenge, perform without holding on to something or lift one leg off the ground. You can perform this exercise 3 times/day for 10 repetitions. 

Toes Abduction 

In a seated position, start by lifting your toes up and then spread them. Maintain the space between your toes as you lower them. For increased difficulty, performTo make this exercise while standing. You can perform this exercise 3 times/day for 10 repetitions. 

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